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Contracting and personell recruitment for
HR positions in Austria


Are you looking for HR recruiting support?

The field of human resources is undergoing a change. New areas of responsibility have been added and at the same time it is necessary to recruit new specialists and to bind existing employees more firmly to the company and to promote them: HR organisations are dynamic and have to continuously adapt to new challenges both in the active recruiting process and to developments in their industry – while keeping multiple tasks in mind at the same time.

This is why HR experts, who have the knowledge and experience to efficiently support your company, are needed during these changes. Networks instead of hierarchies, self-responsibility instead of constant control – HR staff is navigating between the new possibilities of digital tools, the constantly intensifying war for talents and the growing demands of these talents on employer brands.

Hays will help you find the right specialists for your vacancy or any upcoming project. We are already in contact with the candidates for your challenges of tomorrow.

Are you experiencing a personnel bottleneck? We help you by way of our recruitment services

Do you require new, competent HR employees for a project as an interim solution or a permanent employment? The field of HR encompasses so much more than just recruitment, HR controlling or change management – thanks to our comprehensive talent pool for various industries, we can find the perfect match for your HR requirements within a very short period of time.

Personnel recruitment in Austria: Your HR consulting

We respond quickly and flexibly to the personnel bottlenecks in your company. Feel free to contact us at any time. Together, we identify the requirements for specialists and the perfect contract model, such as permanent employment or contracting to suit your HR department.

Your contact person for Human Resources

Elena Gonke

Senior Key Account Manager
  • Vienna Office
  • Region: Austria
Elena Gonke
Elena Gonke

Personnel consulting for HR: Personal placement of professionals and managers for your company

Are you looking for suitable HR professionals in Vienna, Graz or even across national borders? We find talents in the entire DACH region for you. We will be happy to identify with you the type of contract that is suitable for your vacancies.

Our recommendation: Bottlenecks in your HR department can be bridged with a freelancer until the final selection of suitable employees in a permanent position is made.

Grafik Vorteile
Grafik Vorteile
Grafik Vorteile

  • Contact with suitable candidates within one day
  • Fill your vacancy quickly and at short notice
  • Find one of 150,000 specialists from our pool of experts
  • Flexible contact models
  • Saving of internal personnel resources

What type of contract are you interested in?

Permanent employment

Do you need to fill permanent positions with suitable specialists? Our employees have a high level of expertise in the life Human Resources sector.


Are you looking for fast and efficient help with your projects? We will help you to bridge gaps at peak project periods.

Your benefits of recruiting HR professionals with Hays

HR professionals and managers are highly sought after. Our services: Let us handle this time-consuming recruiting process and the entire employee search. Your benefits:

Personnel consulting for HR positions – you only pay after your open vacancies have been successfully filled

As an experienced personnel service provider in the HR field, we draw not only on the expertise of our consultants, but also on our comprehensive talent pool with candidate profiles for all HR positions.

In doing so, we follow a completely transparent and flexible recruitment system. Even before we present suitable HR candidates to you, we have analysed their professional experience, completed projects and acquired qualifications and compared them with your requirements. Given our personal and individual consulting, we guarantee you to find employees that exactly fit needs.


Benefit from our large customer network


As the market leader in recruitment, we already successfully support well-known companies and brands in their search for qualified specialists and managers. Save time and human resources while we find your new specialists and executives.

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About our Consulting & Coaching

Our HR consulting will make your human resources department more flexible and effective in recruiting.