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Recruitment for engineers


Engineering services: We find professionals and experts in mechanical engineering, automation technology or automotive for you – throughout Austria!

As an experienced partner in project work (contracting) and in the recruitment of engineers, we have an overview of your market and its specifics. We are permanently in direct contact with competent engineers and technicians who have specialised in engineering and electrical engineering. Our comprehensive talent pool contains detailed information about the professional and personal qualifications of more than 150,000 specialists in the engineering sector. We can therefore recruit highly qualified professionals and specialists from the following areas for you within a very short period of time.

  • Plant and mechanical engineering
  • Semiconductor industry
  • Automotive
  • Railway engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Energy, water and environmental economy
  • Telecommunication
  • Transport and logistics
  • Logistics and transport
  • Heavy industry
  • Chemical industry
  • Aerospace industry

In order to find engineers for your company as a project provider and personnel service provider, we carry out a precise requirements analysis at the beginning of every recruitment process. In doing so, we identify your requirements together with you and can go on a targeted search for candidates. In most cases, we are able to present you with two to four suitable candidates with whom you can conduct initial interviews just one day after your enquiry.

Are you looking for engineers for your company?

Are you urgently looking for competent engineers for a project or permanent employment in your company? Thanks to our database with detailed information on potential candidates, we can find the perfect match for your advertised jobs within a very short time.

Project provider and personnel recruitment for technicians & engineers: Your partner for engineering services

Find engineers and technicians with us as your project and personnel service provider. Together with you, we take a strategic and detailed approach: We identify your current needs, the right contract model and inform you transparently about our recruitment process.

Your benefits through project work and personnel placement of engineers with Hays

Professionals and experts such as engineers and technicians are currently highly sought after – in almost all industries. So why should you bother with a time-consuming search as well as an enormous bureaucratic and personnel effort? Let us take on this task as a recruitment agency and project provider. We have direct contact to 150,000 specialists from our talent pool.

You will also benefit from these advantages:

Grafik Vorteile
Grafik Vorteile
Grafik Vorteile

  • Contact with suitable candidates within one day
  • Fill your vacancy quickly and at short notice
  • Find one of 150,000 specialists from our pool of experts
  • Flexible contact models
  • Saving of internal personnel resources

Left: Money, contact details, and tick icon in white on a blue background. Right centre: White text with cyan bullet points: Contact with suitable candidates within one day. Fill your vacancy quickly and at short notice. Find one of 150,000 specialists from our pool of experts. Flexible contract models. Saving of internal personnel resources.
Left: Money, contact details, and tick icon in white on a blue background. Right centre: White text with cyan bullet points: Contact with suitable candidates within one day. Fill your vacancy quickly and at short notice. Find one of 150,000 specialists from our pool of experts. Flexible contract models. Saving of internal personnel resources.
Left: Money, contact details, and tick icon in white on a blue background. Right centre: White text with cyan bullet points: Contact with suitable candidates within one day. Fill your vacancy quickly and at short notice. Find one of 150,000 specialists from our pool of experts. Flexible contract models. Saving of internal personnel resources.

Efficient project work and recruitment in the engineering industry through professional proximity and digital processes

The know-how of our consultants, our certified quality management system (DIN EN ISO 9001) and our comprehensive database with candidate profiles from all specialist areas make us a strong partner in personnel recruitment and project work for engineers.

We take on the search for highly qualified employees and project partners  for you, e.g. in mechanical engineering, automotive and automation technology. We ensure a professional speedy process, coordinate interviews with you and control all processes electronically with a smart workflow. This saves you a lot of time and personnel resources. We know the engineers who meet your needs and take care of filling your project or vacancy.

Our contract type


Are you looking for freelance support for projects? Within the engineering sector, we support existing and new customers in any job role, deploying personnel on a freelance basis for individual projects, for the transfer of knowledge or for bridging gaps at peak project periods.

Engineering services: Personnel recruitment for engineers

When it comes to personnel recruitment, we clearly stand out from purely being a recruiter for engineers. This is because, in addition to personnel consulting, we offer a market analysis, an evaluation of the required qualifications and experience as well as an overview of the current salary and competence level on the market. The benefit for you: better cost management.

Successful project work and recruitment – these customers are very satisfied

For years, we have been able to look back on a successful cooperation with our customers and partner companies. Save time and personnel resources while we find the right personnel for you.


Modern Recruiting

Recruiting has changed. We are keeping pace with this development and respond to current challenges with our concept.


Our services

Find the contract type that suits your needs. Whether contract or workforce management. Be free in drafting of your contract.


Use rehiring wisely

Your ex-employees had proved themselves. With rehiring, you may be able to win them over for your company a second time.