Salary checker in Austria:Get more transparency with our salary calculator
If you want to grow in your profession, you need benchmarks to be able to rank your own salary—or the salary you are aiming for—at your company and/or employer. Reliable data is often in short supply because many salary calculators don’t include significant factors such as experience, qualification and other wages, meaning that most salary checkers have little informative value. And that’s exactly what we have considered for our salary calculator. Find out for yourself!

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Unser wissenschaftlich fundierter Gehaltscheck hilft Ihnen bei den drängendsten Fragen weiter:
- What salary do other experts in my position earn?
- How many euros can I aim for during my next salary negotiation?
- What salary can I state in my application as an expected salary?
- What do I earn in my profession in a different industry?
Here, we take into account the information you provided about qualification, work, experience, age, responsibilities and industry. We look at this information, analyse it and correlate it with Austrian salary statistics from the database of our partner,
This helps us provide you with a realistic, data-driven assessment as well as a comparison between your income and that of people with similar previous experiences, qualifications and jobs.
What salary do employers pay for my job on average?
Whether you are currently employed or would like to find out which employers are worth considering for you: Our salary calculator can give you an informed answer as to what average salary you would get at a different company or organisation if you were to change jobs—because we consider all the potential information, factors and professional as well as personal requirements when determining average wages. We always keep our data up-to-date to ensure that you can always count on a meaningful salary prognosis.
Your next career steps: We’re happy to help!
Did our salary check show that your salary has room for improvement? Do you want to grow professionally? We’re happy to help you with your next career step in Austria. Take a look at our career tips – for example on the topics of salary negotiation or speculative application. We would also be happy to discuss your next professional challenge with you in person. Simply contact us by phone at +43 1 5353443 0, e-mail or using our contact form.