Biotechnology  & Pharmaceutical Industry Jobs
We offer you opportunities with perspective

Life Sience
Life Sience
Life Sience

You are an expert in the field of life sciences and are looking for a new project position, a career change or would like to reorientate yourself in the life sciences industry? As a personnel service provider with over 15 years of experience in the traditional pharmaceutical industry as well as in biotechnology and medical technology, we accompany you intensively in your job search. In doing so, we cater to your needs and offer you attractive career prospects, new exciting tasks and – if desired – access to international project work. Because we know your market and all the important decision-makers in your desired companies.

We quickly and easily set the course for exciting projects in the life science sector in Austria and guarantee that you will continue to grow with your new tasks.

Are you looking for a new job in the pharmaceutical industry?

Person schreibt an Laptop und Tablet
Person schreibt an Laptop und Tablet
Person schreibt an Laptop und Tablet

You could use some variety in your job, are you looking for new challenges or a simple entry as an expert in the field of life science? We can quickly and easily put you in touch with companies that need your support in these areas. Together we will find your dream job in the pharmaceutical industry.

Find suitable projects in biotechnology now!

Your contact for our personnel recruitment

If you have any questions about your employment opportunities or direct positions, we look forward to hearing from you.

Dušana Vidačković

Senior Teamlead
  • Graz office
  • Region: Austria
Dušana Vidačković
Dušana Vidačković

Your advantages by project search with Hays

Are you looking for suitable projects in biotechnology, bioengineering or the pharmaceutical industry, but are you as choosy as you are demanding? That's perfectly fine! Nevertheless, finding the right project that fits the grid can be very time-consuming. Our recommendation: Why not leave the search to us? We will put you in touch with the right contact in your desired area - in Vienna, in Graz and in other cities throughout Austria. 

Pharmaceutical industry projects for dedicated experts

With our experience in the life sciences sector, we know the key contacts who advertise challenging roles with potential. The current high demand for personnel in the life sciences sector opens up exciting opportunities for you to grow. As a specialised personnel consultancy for experts in the pharmaceutical industry with an international network, we can offer you crucial contacts. This enables us to present you as a specialist with vacancies that best match your expertise, qualifications, future plans and ambitions.    


In addition, you benefit from these advantages:

 Personal initial interview and advice: We are your partner. You will receive free feedback on your application or CV, which will give you additional confidence and suggestions for the next steps in your application. You will have a fixed contact person and will receive feedback from us within 48 hours. 
 Follow-up assignments for freelancers: Six weeks before your project ends, you will receive offers for new projects from us. Thanks to our stable relationships with more renowned companies, together we benefit from a high re-submission rate.
Freelancers benefit from reduced idle time, better planning ability, lower risks as well as stable financial conditions.


Are you working as a freelance expert and looking for new projects? We face the challenge together with you and find the right project. Because we are very familiar with the market and know the top decision-makers in the industry.

We are currently looking for

Reference number: 810079/1

Automation Project Leader Automation (PCS7) (m/w/d)

Freiberuflich für ein Projekt
  • Erstellung von Budget-, Kosten- und Zeitplänen sowie von Entscheidungsanalysen zur Vorstellung bei den Abteilungen und der Geschäftsführung
  • Durchführung der fortlaufenden und monatsgenauen Planung der Ausgaben
  • Mängel- und Gewährleistungsmanagement
  • Professionelles Stakeholder-Management über den gesamten Projektablauf
  • Frühzeitige Eskalation bei Abweichungen vom Termin- und Kostenplan
  • Erstellung interner Dokumentation, (URSen, SOPs, etc.) zum späteren Betrieb der Anlage und Überprüfung mitgelieferter Dokumentation
  • Unterstützung des Qualifizierungsteams bei der Erstqualifizierung der Anlagen
  • Selbstständige Projekt-Koordination abteilungsübergreifender Teams (Projektteam, Externen, Sublieferanten, Behörden etc.)
  • Mitwirkung bei Audits und Selbstinspektionen (FDA)
Online since: Fri Mar 21 05:55:45 CET 2025
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