recruiting modell


We would be happy to advise you personally on how to find and retain qualified candidates for your company.

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“Find & Engage”
The future recruiting model

Grafik Stellen finden
Grafik Stellen finden
Grafik Stellen finden

Jobs are found

Candidates search for job offers and apply for suitable vacancies. This means that they are open to new job opportunities. Recruitment agencies depend on receiving a sufficient amount of applications from candidates who are qualified for the position. If the vacancy is hard to fill, candidate databases are used.

Grafik Bewerberinnen suchen
Grafik Bewerberinnen suchen
Grafik Bewerberinnen suchen

Candidates are found

By using search tools and data analyses, recruitment agencies are able to create extensive lists of potential candidates. These lists also include candidates who are currently not actively searching for a new job. The competitive advantage of a recruitment agency depends on the quantity and quality of the available data – and on how well relationships with candidates are maintained.

“Find & Engage” is a future-oriented model, especially when it comes to finding the right candidates in market segments with a shortage of skilled workers or in other challenging situations. It mainly aims at establishing relationships with potential candidates, getting to know their interests and priorities, and ultimately offering them suitable positions.

The benefits of “Find & Engage”

Icon Bewerber
Icon Bewerber
Icon Bewerber

Excellent candidate quality

thanks to specific selection criteria in the database

Icon geringer Aufwand
Icon geringer Aufwand
Icon geringer Aufwand

Less effort

through innovative application management software and the omission of first interviews

Icon höhere Effizienz
Icon höhere Effizienz
Icon höhere Effizienz

Higher efficiency

thanks to continuous and good contacts to interesting candidates

Icon - höhere Geschwindigkeit
Icon - höhere Geschwindigkeit
Icon - höhere Geschwindigkeit

Faster processing

due to an extensive pool of highly qualified, pre-screened candidates for a timely presentation of suitable candidates

Find and engage candidates

Recruitment is subject to constant changes. We are ready!

We look back on a decade full of digital revolutions. Our smarthphones, among many other things, have become indispensable. Numerous technical innovations, providing sensational possibilities, have emerged from the dynamics of the digital world and a data-driven age has been heralded all over the world – including the recruiting business.

Recruitment is subject to constant changes. We are ready!
In 2020, a new decade begins, and for Hays it will be all about proactive recruitment and long-term partnerships. Myriads of data are available in technologies and platforms, providing an unparalleled abundance of information about potential and existing candidates.

Hays has recognised this potential at an early stage and prepared for it accordingly. Powerful data analysis programs and digital tools, paired with our experience, competence and instinctive feeling, enable us to redefine recruiting and find the “perfect match” for you.

business people smiling at camera
business people smiling at camera
business people smiling at camera

“Find & Engage” is an innovative concept for personnel recruitment. The unique combination of proven procedures and irreplaceable competences of classical personnel placement, such as experience and personal relationships, and the new technologies of data evaluation characterise this concept.

“Heute braucht es innovative Ansätze und fundiertes Wissen. Digitale Technologien, neue Methoden der Datenanalyse und – allen voran – eine individuelle Ansprache sind die Erfolgsfaktoren. Diese vereint Hays in dem Konzept ‘Finden & Binden’.”
“Heute braucht es innovative Ansätze und fundiertes Wissen. Digitale Technologien, neue Methoden der Datenanalyse und – allen voran – eine individuelle Ansprache sind die Erfolgsfaktoren. Diese vereint Hays in dem Konzept ‘Finden & Binden’.”
“Heute braucht es innovative Ansätze und fundiertes Wissen. Digitale Technologien, neue Methoden der Datenanalyse und – allen voran – eine individuelle Ansprache sind die Erfolgsfaktoren. Diese vereint Hays in dem Konzept ‘Finden & Binden’.”

Finding the perfect match together - instead of searching alone in vain!

We believe that, in order to find and engage new employees, companies will increasingly rely on the support of experienced recruitment agencies. Why? Because this innovative way of recruitment is not easy to implement. It requires:

  • managing enormous amounts of data and complex personnel recruitment programs
  • developing qualified and suitable content at the right time
  • a continuous and reliable exchange with interesting candidates, both via internet and personal contact

Moreover, a lot of technical elements from the field of digital dynamics and data analysis must be included. Only then can a recruitment agency determine, with its competence, expertise and relations, the right time to inform and win over a suitable candidate for a new position.

We will be happy to assist you in finding and engaging new, qualified personnel for your company. Feel free to get in touch with us!