Our understanding of compliance
In this context, it is essential that Hays as a whole and its employees comply with applicable laws and rules and adhere to voluntary commitments at all times.
Hays takes a clear stance against corruption and bribery and requires both its employees and its business partners to always act in conformity with the law. This fundamental requirement is also outlined in the company’s binding code of conduct.
Besides, in order to ensure a legally compliant conduct, Hays has established a compliance management system, which has regularly been certified by the German Technical Inspection Association (TÜV) since 2016 (according to TR CMS 101:2015 based on ISO 19600, re-certified on 08/11/2022)
In this way, Hays supports its employees in acting in a legally compliant way and reduces possible legal and economic risks.
Considering compliance a management responsibility and a joint task of all persons involved, Hays has the ambition to continuously develop its compliance culture.
Compliance Management System
Based on a collection of company-specific legal provisions, Hays carries out annual risk analyses in cooperation with the specialist departments. This enables a regular assessment of potential risks in consideration of current developments.
Moreover, comprehensible internal company guidelines have been developed in order to support the employees in their daily work in a clear and transparent manner.
Along with structural and technical verification mechanisms and a clearly structured incident management system, the CMS of Hays ensures that the above-mentioned objectives are achieved. In addition, regular training and the provision of an effective whistleblower system contribute to further raising the employees’ awareness for the compliance philosophy of Hays.
Detect, React, Protect
In order to be informed of possible or suspected misconduct, Hays Germany has established a whistleblower system enabling employees as well as outsiders to contact the company's compliance organisation. This enables Hays to detect legal infringements in good time and to react to them appropriately in order to avoid damage to the company as a whole and to its employees, customers and business partners.
Report a (potential) violation here
In case of concrete indications of legal violations or misconduct in connection with Hays, you can reach our contact persons for compliance matters as follows:
By email: #Compliance@hays.de
By Phone: + 49 621 1788 1887
By letter to:
Hays Beteiligungs GmbH & Co.KG
Glücksteinallee 67
Besides, you have the option to contact our external service provider Safecall in confidence to report your concerns anonymously:
You can also reach Safecall at any time by calling 00 800 72 33 22 55.
How to report your suspicions
It is important that you formulate your suspicions as concretely as possible so the matter can be dealt with effectively.
Confidential treatment
Any information will be treated with strict confidentiality. Only employees of the compliance organisation will receive the information to be able to process and investigate the matter.
Core Values
For Hays, always doing the right thing is an essential component of good corporate governance and sustainable corporate success. Trust, integrity and responsible action at all times constitute the basic foundation for this, enabling us to make the right decisions in both the business and social environment and representing the corresponding continuity of our actions.