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Software developer (m/f/d)

Software developer: Development and implementation of applications

People work with software on a daily basis. Conceiving, implementing and constantly developing this is the job of software developers. Whether for computers, smartphones and laptops, or for automotive control units and other industry-specific devices: The application areas of software are both versatile and numerous.

Often referred to as software developers or software engineers, these individuals work in the frontend, backend or both areas of these applications. Software developers are usually specialised in one of these areas and work in frontend development on everything pertaining to the user interface. In backend development, they are more concerned with data processing in the background.

But where are software developers deployed? From public authorities and public institutions to IT departments in the automotive industry and insurance companies to start-ups and research and development departments – specialists in software development are in demand in all fields and industries. In order to bring companies and qualified software developers together, we stay in close contact with both sides, thereby aligning requirements, qualifications and aspirations between the two.



  • Für Bewerbende
  • Für Unternehmen
  • Für Selbständige

Sie suchen spannende Jobs in der Softwareentwicklung?

Java, C#, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python oder PHP? Wo genau Ihr Herz höher schlägt, steht für Sie wahrscheinlich fest. Aber passt Ihr aktueller Arbeitgebender noch zu Ihnen oder möchten Sie eine neue Herausforderung annehmen? Gerne setzen wir uns zusammen mit Ihnen an einen Tisch und stellen den ersten Kontakt zu Ihrem Wunschunternehmen her.

Sie suchen erfahrene Softwareentwickler:innen?

Sie planen neue Anwendungen oder möchten bestehende optimieren? Ob im Frontend- oder Backend-Bereich: Wir kennen die Software Developer, die Ihren Anforderungen gerecht werden und Ihre Projekte mit dem nötigen Know-how vorantreiben. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute und wir finden gemeinsam Ihre künftige Expert:in für die Softwareentwicklung.

Sie sind auf der Suche nach einem spannenden Projekt als Selbständiger Software Developer?

Sie haben bereits diverse Software konzipiert und entwickelt, suchen jetzt aber nach einer neuen Herausforderung? Ob im Frontend, Backend oder Fullstack-Bereich: Wir kennen die Unternehmen, die Ihre Expertise für neue Projekte benötigen und stellen den ersten Kontakt zu ihnen her.

What does a software developer do?

Software engineers confidently master the balancing act between process requirements and the conclusive implementation of software solutions. To do this, they present requirements on a visual level and implement, configure or adapt corresponding software modules. Furthermore, they have to think through the software architecture, thereby making it scalable. In doing so, quality assurance measures, maintenance and intuitive usability are indispensable.

The specific tasks of software developers include:

● Analysis, development and implementation of software systems

● Testing to verify quality

● Maintenance and further development of introduced software

● Customer care and advice


What hard and soft skills do software developers need?

As a software developer, it is important to have expert knowledge of the most common programming languages such as JavaScript, PHP, Ruby and Python, to analyse processes and grasp IT relationships. It is also essential to plan and coordinate projects and to master good time management. In addition, it is an advantage to have soft skills such as teamwork, strong communication skills and assertiveness to be a successful software engineer.

The most important skills for the profession of software developers are:

  • Knowledge of the respective programming language as well as the common frameworks
  • Analytical way of thinking
  • Knowledge of English
  • Target- and results-orientated working methods
  • Experience in (agile) project work
  • Resilience, flexibility, assertiveness

oftware developer training

How to become a frontend, backend or fullstack expert

There is no set path to becoming a software engineer. This makes it possible to acquire know-how in software development through training, studies or as a lateral entrant. However, a degree in computer science or business informatics offers an excellent basis. With a degree in software engineering, software technology, global software development or media informatics, the path is literally pre-programmed.

Ultimately practical experience is above all what counts most in convincing companies of their own abilities. Part-time jobs, internships or projects at the university or university of applied sciences are welcome and confirm your specialist expertise.

But even without a degree, a career as a software developer is possible: With dual training as an IT specialist for application development, you will acquire theoretical knowledge at a vocational school. At the same time, you will gain the necessary practical experience in a company.


Your software developer salary in Austria

The salary of a software developer depends on the degree. As a rule, a higher degree also means a higher salary. However, companies are also interested in the respective specialisation of software developers. The more in demand the specialisation, the more lavish the salary.

The software developer salary is correspondingly variable. In a junior position, you start at a gross salary of EUR 40,000. Leading positions can even earn up to EUR 80,000 per year. If you're an executive or moving toward software or solution architecture, salaries can even be higher.

Find out with our salary comparison whether you are adequately remunerated

Your career as a software developer

According to a Bitkom study, there was already a shortfall of over 80,000 qualified IT specialists in 2020. The high demand means, among other things, that software developers are absolutely flexible both in the choice of their employer and industry. After a few years of professional experience, a job change is easily possible.

But to achieve more, software developers don't necessarily have to change industries or companies. There are often internal opportunities to develop from junior software developer to software developer and to take on increasing responsibility for staff members. After a few more years, the leap to senior software developer or even development into a software architecture role beckons. So take advantage of the software engineer opportunities and work for a company that suits while climbing the career ladder at the same time.

software developer
software developer
software developer

Top software developer jobs in Vienna, Graz or rural areas

This is how we successfully bring accountants and companies together

We place software developers according to our effective "find & engage" concept. This means: We know our candidates inside out and know what qualifications they have and where their strengths lie.

Within the scope of a joint conversation, we find out what your project or job search goals are and what your dream company looks like. Then we go in search of the perfect match. This is because we know your industry and keep a close eye on both your requirements and those of our partner companies when looking for your new project or software engineer job. Within a few days, we can introduce you to the first projects and positions in software development and establish contact with your future employer.

After both parties have been able to get to know each other intensively and an interest in cooperation has been established, all important framework conditions are coordinated together with us.

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