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Tax consultant (M/F/D)

The requirements and intricacies of the tax system can burden businesses as well as individuals. This is where you, as a tax consultant, come in - as an indispensable navigational aid that guides companies safely through the labyrinth of legislation. As an expert, you ensure that companies and organisations comply with the legal provisions and organise tax matters in the best possible way.

As the tax system is constantly changing and subject to new adjustments, you as a tax advisor must always stay up to date. You continuously inform yourself about current laws and tax regulations in order to always advise and support according to the current legal situation.

For your employers, you are the reliable contact person for the tax office and work closely with their financial accounting and controlling. You are at their side and help them to master the challenges of the tax system.

Tax consultant

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Do you know how to translate complex financial information into simple, understandable concepts? Then the job as a tax consultant could be just right for you. Start your search for jobs in tax consultancy in our job board now!


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Tax consultants ensure that your company makes the best financial decisions and stays up to date with the ever-changing tax laws. Use our job board to find the best tax advisors and give your company the competitive advantage!


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What does a tax consultant do?


Tax consultants are experts who master the complex field of taxes. They support companies and private individuals by helping them to fulfil their tax obligations. And they show how the tax situation can be optimised. Tax consultants are not only familiar with the current laws and regulations, but also provide strategic and forward-looking advice.

Here are the main tasks that make up the job of a tax consultant:

  • prepare and check current tax documents (tax returns),
  • Developing tax strategies and exploiting tax structuring options,
  • advise on tax aspects of investments and company foundations
  • support in controlling and financial analysis,
  • representing companies vis-à-vis the tax office and the tax court.

What hard and soft skills should tax consultants have?

In the world of tax consultancy, professional knowledge and technical skills as well as soft factors are crucial for professional success. The combination of both forms the basis for a successful career in tax consultancy, as it enables tax advisors not only to master the technical aspects of their job, but also to convince on a human level. In a professional field that depends on precision and trust, these skills are important building blocks for efficient and client-oriented work.

Hard Skills:

  • Extensive knowledge of tax law and business administration,
  • Knowledge of bookkeeping and accounting,
  • Familiarity with relevant software and IT systems,
  • Understanding of economic contexts and entrepreneurial thinking.

Soft skills:

  • Strong communication skills,
  • High service orientation,
  • Ability to explain complex issues in an understandable way,
  • Reliability and discretion.

What kind of education should tax consultants have? 

A career as a tax consultant in Austria is characterised by strict rules and regulations. If you want to become a tax consultant, the first step is a relevant degree course, which you can complete at a university or university of applied sciences. The range of studies is diverse and is determined by the Chamber of Tax Consultants and Auditors in Austria (KSW). This includes not only more general fields of study such as business law, business administration and law, but also specialised university of applied sciences courses such as tax management, accounting and controlling.

After successfully completing your studies, as a career candidates you must gain at least three years of professional experience in tax consulting or auditing. This practical part as a candidate prepares you for the professional examination, which paves the way for self-employment as a tax consultant. The path in tax consultancy in Austria is thus clearly structured and offers opportunities for all those who want to dedicate themselves to the challenges of tax law.



The salary of tax consultants in Austria can vary greatly and depends on various factors such as experience, qualification, location and the employer. On average, you can expect an entry-level salary of about 40,000 to 50,000 euros gross per year. 
In management positions or as self-employed tax consultants, salaries of over 100,000 euros gross per year are possible. The easiest way to achieve a higher salary is to continue your education and specialise in certain areas of tax law. Also, if you take on more responsibility within a company, the chances for a salary increase.

Not sure if you earn enough? Find out in a few minutes with our salary comparison.

How are the job outlooks for tax consultants developing?

Tax law is a field that is constantly evolving. New laws, regulations and changes in the global economy require constant updating of expertise. This requirement ensures a continuous demand for qualified experts in this field and makes your expertise an indispensable resource for companies and individuals.

From business consulting to financial planning to representation before financial courts, the opportunities are varied and interesting. You can work in large international groups, specialise in small and medium-sized enterprises or offer your services to private individuals.

The option of becoming self-employed with your own law firm or becoming a partner opens up further career opportunities for you. As an owner of a law firm, you have the opportunity to determine your own career path, build your own team and work directly with your clients.

Dream job or dream specialist - you'll find both at Hays

At Hays, we are pioneers. Our innovative "Find & Engage" concept ensures that companies and specialists find each other. We use the latest technologies and tools to identify and connect suitable candidates for companies. This is how we ensure that the best matches are made between companies and applicants.

Would you like to expand your professional experience as a tax consultant? Whether full-time or part-time, we can help you find your tax consultant job and advise you on your career options.
With our extensive data pool and our customised search strategies, we find exactly the experts you need for your company. And not only in line with the job requirements, but also with the corporate culture and the individual requirements of your company.

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