Changing jobs
7 tips for your new dream job

Whether you feel bored, under-challenged or you're simply in the mood for something new, there are many reasons for a new job. Changing jobs brings variety and, if done properly, will also bring a lot of fresh satisfaction into your professional career. After all, on average, employees spend a third of their lives at work. Our job has a huge influence on our private lives and mindset. It is therefore all the more important to find one that makes you happy. Take a deep look inside and ask yourself if you are happy with your current job. If you are thinking of leaving your job, there are a few points you should consider first rather than rushing in.

We'll tell you everything you need to consider to make sure you find your dream job.

7 application tips for changing jobs
7 application tips for changing jobs
7 application tips for changing jobs

Reasons for changing jobs

Changing jobs now and again throughout your career is completely normal and commonplace. However, changing too often may have negative connotations. Therefore, you should always take time to carefully consider whether a new job is the right decision. .

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  2. Career prospects and promotion opportunities

    Many people are driven by a personal need for professional development. However, it can be extremely frustrating if their current job does not bring them the satisfaction they had hoped for. If it then turns out that their employer does not offer any development or promotion opportunities, the decision is often clear: time for a new job. This thought process is completely justified – after all, personal development and career make up one of the most important combinations for satisfaction at work.

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The right time to change jobs

Have you been unhappy in your current job for a long time? But still something is holding you back from resigning?

One reason might be that you have only recently joined the company and are reluctant to give future employers the impression that you are unreliable or even difficult to please.

However, you should certainly take the plunge if it is justifiable. If bullying is the reason for your unhappiness, for instance, you should not hesitate. After all, your mental health is of vital importance both at work and in your private life.

If you have been planning to change your employer for some time, for example because the last salary negotiation failed, it may be worthwhile to keep a long-term eye on the job market. Your dream job that is a perfect match for your wishes and qualifications might just appear in an online job advertisement.

A new career by changing industry

Often, new areas can be found in your current professional field. Lawyers, for example, can switch to management consultancy or even move into politics. If you are in a job that offers such opportunities, you should definitely give it some thought.

However, complete re-training can also be a good option. If you are young, a new profession can bring many years of happiness. By having the courage to change sectors, you can look forward to fresh prospects and exciting new tasks that enable you to advance in your career. Have a think about what you are interested in and where your strengths lie. Find a branch that matches them in order to make sure you can benefit from changing sectors in the long term..

Changing jobs at the age of 40 is a major challenge for many. However, this, too, can be a success if you find the right branch and job profile. People who want to change jobs at the age of 40 or even 50 can benefit from many years of professional experience as well as the expertise and soft skills they have gathered along the way (such as project management, time management, etc.). If the sector you have chosen also has a shortage of skilled workers, your chances of finding your dream job at a good level after retraining are promising.

Seven tips for changing jobs

Have you made the decision to look for a new job? In order to ensure a successful job change, make sure you stick to the following rules of play:

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  2. Comply with notice periods

    If you want to leave your current company, it is important to give the required amount of notice or request a mutually agreed termination of the employment relationship. If you opt for a standard resignation, you will find the required notice period in your contract. This is generally between three and six months. If the employment relationship is terminated by mutual agreement, you and your employer will make a joint decision on when the relationship is to end.

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How do I find my dream job?

 Online job portals

Nowadays, you can find a new job on numerous portals. Over 90% of employers advertise their vacancies on online job portals. Some portals specialise in specific sectors.

If you are unsure whether a vacancy you have found online is still up to date, it is always worth asking the company directly. This will also demonstrate your real interest in the position.

 Social media

An increasing number of new employees are acquired via social media. Many companies use business networks like XING and LinkedIn, although job posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are no longer unheard of, either. Revise your social media profiles, build your own personal branding  and let recruiters find you via active sourcing.

 Personnel service providers

One application – numerous contacts. This is what makes a personnel service provider like Hays so useful when it comes to job searches. We not only offer resume templates for download, but - we have a very good market access and are networked with a large number of renowned companies. We can also tap into hidden vacancies – those that are not officially advertised on the company’s website or are deliberately filled flexibly. With the right qualifications, you have a good chance of being recruited. And you will save yourself a lot of work – with just one application, you reach a large number of interesting companies. And that’s not all: a personnel service provider will give you honest feedback about how you come across as an applicant and where you can make improvements.

Trade fairs for changing jobs

There are two types of trade fairs where the topic of careers plays a role: specialist trade fairs and so-called dedicated career fairs. Especially when companies want to attract regional workers, they organise their own company fairs in order to present themselves to potential applicants. Online trade fairs have become an established tool, too.

Some fairs focus on specific professional groups and others exclusively on career starters and young professionals.

One of the main advantages of trade fairs is that you can engage in direct dialogue with the company or gain information about a specific occupation.


Personal network

Having your own contacts is often an underestimated tool when it comes to changing jobs. Professional acquaintances in particular can open doors for you since you are already in the environment in which you are most likely to continue working in the future. It is therefore worth checking in with your contacts in writing: where did your colleagues from education or studies go? Who are valued colleagues within the company or external business partners? All of these people already have a decisive advantage: they already know you, your way of working and your individual qualities and can recommend you to the company you want to target. It is also worth asking friends for business contacts.


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